Phoenix Academy E-Learning Plan

The Phoenix Academy provides educational services for students who have Individual Education Plans and during e-Learning days each student's education team will provide services to maintain continuity in educational programming to ensure all students are provided with a Free Appropriate Public Education. This includes a continuation of the services outlined in each student's Individual Education Plan. However, the delivery of a student's services by the nature of the e-Learning environment will be delivered in a different format. The format may include but is not limited to telecommunication, video conferencing, emailing, digital tools to make materials accessible, and/or interactive learning platforms and tools. The plan for delivering these services will be communicated with each student and their family by the student’s teacher(s) and related service provider(s). We will follow these expectations and guidelines we have developed with an understanding that there may be a need to adjust them in response to future changes in the guidance provided by the Illinois State Board of Education and Office of Special Education Programs. Reference: ISBE Guidance Document  8/31/2021

Additional factors:

  • Meetings will continue via virtual formats (ie video or telephone conferencing) to ensure special education documentation conforms to the expected timelines outlined by ISBE and  the IDEA.
  • If parents wish to decline virtual meeting opportunities, a student’s current special education paperwork will remain in place until school resumes and the meeting is rescheduled.
  • Section 10-20.56(c) of the School Code requires an e-learning program to contain “provisions designed to reasonably and practically accomplish” certain goals. These goals and tasks are described below.

A. Ensure and verify at least 5 clock hours of instruction or school work for each student participating in an e-learning day.

  1. Phoenix Academy e-learning clock hours are based on the attendance data collected through student workflow submitted through our learning management system Canvas and engagement through synchronous learning using a video conferencing platform Google meets.
  2. The means to track student attendance and participation requires students to access their courses on Canvas and engage in learning tasks by posting evidence of this learning. Do to our student individualized needs a variation to the attendance plan can be established by the teacher and student. This can be a voicemail, email, 1:1 video conferencing, or other communication acceptable to fulfill the attendance requirement. The data will be used to substantiate student attendance. Students will be required to join their assigned classes through Google Meetings. Teachers and related service providers will provide instruction via whole group, small group, and/or Individualized learning task.
  3. Teachers will use the data from the student and enter the attendance information in our learning management system (LMS) Canvas. Teachers will have until 3:30pm to submit their class attendance for the elearning day.

B. To ensure access from home or other appropriate remote facility for all students participating, including computers, the internet, and other forms of electronic communication that must be utilized in the proposed system.

  1. Students are 1:1 in our classrooms during the school year and utilize the LMS Canvas as part of their typical instructional day.
  2. We have surveyed our students to determine who does not have access to wi-fi during the day. Those students who do not have access will be issued a mobile hotspot.
  3. By utilizing Google apps, Canvas, email, and other web based instructional tools, our students are comfortable with the digital environment and expectations associated with success in an e-learning environment.
  4. Teachers have been issued their own LASEC-issued device and have all course content on Canvas.

C. To ensure appropriate learning opportunities for students with special needs.

  1. Students with special needs receive their assignments through Canvas.
  2. Students are reminded by the teachers before leaving for the day about the process and expectations
  3. Information about the process and expectations is communicated at the beginning of the school year and in the communication, home indicating a e-learning day is taking place.
  4. Students also have access to their case managers via email, Canvas, telephone, text messaging, and other digital communication platforms to report any issues or require additional support.

D. To monitor and verify each student’s electronic participation.

  1. Student activity, attendance, time on task, and submission of work is tracked by the data analytics and usage reports housed in Canvas, and the attendance process. Phoenix Academy utilizes a device management system that allows teachers to push content to a student’s individual device and problem solve access to materials.

E. To address the extent to which student participation is within the student’s control as to the time, pace, and means of learning.

  1. In the event of an e-learning day, teachers will have until 8:30 a.m. on the morning of the e-learning day to post their lesson/assignment.
  2. Students are required to “check in” by 9:00 a.m. on an e-learning day to communicate a need for an alternative plan to synchronous learning.
  3. Students are provided the flexibility to complete the work for each course. Staff are asked to provide a seven day grace period for students to submit work if any connectivity or issues arise.
  4. Students have access to online resources that provide the instructional support, rigor, and mirrors the expectations in a normal instructional day.

F. To provide effective notice to students and their parents/guardians of the use of particular days for e-learning.

  1. When e-learning days are announced, the same communication protocols announcing a “snow day” will be used. This includes automated calls, posted messages on the websites, and news stations.

G. To provide staff and students with adequate training for e-learning days’ participation.

  1. Teachers with district-issued devices have created their own content and use our competencies to align their class resources.
  2. Teachers have been provided professional development for the following: Canvas and any other digital platform needed during an e-learning day.
  3. Teachers were provided professional development on how to convert lessons into e-learning lessons.

H. To ensure an opportunity for any collective bargaining negotiations with representatives of the school district’s employees that would be legally required.

  1. The e-learning proposal and all of its components have been reviewed, discussed, and vetted, with the school’s instructional team.

I. To review and revise the program as implemented to address difficulties confronted.

  1. In order to efficiently manage and implement an e-learning day, the following actions will provide the information needed to review or revise the program
  • Student, parent, and staff surveys
  • Administration surveys
  • Attendance reports from e-learning days
  • LMS usage reports

J. Ensure that the protocol regarding general expectations and responsibilities of the program is communicated to teachers, staff, and students at least 30 days prior to utilizing an e-learning day.

  1. Communication, ongoing professional development, and e-learning expectations is provided during several PLC instructional meetings during the first semester of the school year.